Lab made viruses are part of the depopulation agenda


  1. COVID is just the beginning of the testing and implementation phase of the depopulation agenda. There will come newer kind of diseases never heard ever in entire history of the planet. Those new DNA letters, yeah they're called letters, those letters will give humanity the godlike capability to create new types of creatures, viruses, …

    HIV started fast. It dwindled, not doing enough damage. Zika was a dud. COVID showed potential.

    Try this: HIV then cancer inducing agents :HIV-activated-Cancer (codename: HIVAC-23)

    which virus causes fastest death? HIV is already a perfected weapon to destroy the immune system that prevents the plague from plaguing the body of the victim.

    HIV causes AIDS

    Then that fast death causing quasipainless disease (could be lab made/enhanced) causes a sure death. I seen HIV/aids victims live for years. HIV modified in a that causes a sure death. Less suffering means less outcry. Quicker means people don't have time to think. Media coverage is minimal or none so mass awareness is impossible.

    The Great Eye has spoken.


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