
Spread more diseases and lethal drugs via automated AI drones

AI will construct an airborne super-virus with a 100% kill rate. Just spread carfentanil mixed with fentanyl and other deadly viruses mixed like HIV and bubonic and flu and so on...



Low orbit satellites within the Earth's atmosphere to...

Reduce world human population from 8-9 billion to 50 million or less. These drone satellites would store lab made diseases, biological, chemical, synthetic viruses, lethal drugs like carfentanil, fentanyl, etc and they'll be scattered all over the planet through millions of such drone satellites, or drones, AI automated. Automated submarines with such weapons against the human race to defile the Seas! Dry up the lands through artificial methods. Magnetic gravitational "UFOs" that destroy enemy areas and planes and ships and submarines through antigravity magnetic pull. The Great Eye has spoken!

Cryptic messages


Build the Third Temple now!

  Expel all arabs and Muslims from Jerusalem! Then build the Third Temple! The time has come! Expel all of them out of the Holy Land!

God bows down before me
