the third temple (the great drone experiment on makkah)

regarding that experiment i was hatching

drone attack on makkah to build the third temple

are they brave enough to attack makkah as they did in 570 AD?

they were apparently punished by God when they tried.

I wanna see them use drones on Makkah/Kaaba

blame houthis or iranians

it will be a great experiment

see what happens

see if God saves Makkah

if he saves makkah then i have a surah drone

if he dont save makkah then surah fil (elephant abraha story) was fiction

they shud take this bait
they have nothing to lose

they have yemeni houthis or iranians as alibi

" BREAKING NEWS! Yemeni houthis just attacked makkah with drones! "

Iranian proxy houthis attacked Makkah to try and topple the wahhabi Saud regime...

then build that turd temple

whenever i avatar, i add to world history.

This should happen. Will move human history forward into a new direction.

- Third temple will be built
- Makkah will be destroyed

see what happens. This experiment is worth trying.

They attacked saudi oil facilities, didnt they?

yeah they are stupid. they didnt inflict permanent damage. how stupid. the factories went back to work in 7 days.

however, this attack on makkah will have chernobyl type nuclear radiation carried via drones. so pilgrimers goto jerusalem instead of makkah for the next 5000 yrs. monotheists turn to jerusalem again as they used to in ancient times. millions visit jerusalem yearly. christians. jews. maybe muslims. jerusalem becomes center of G-d's worship as it was. I have a jewish zionist side too. i have many jewish simulcarnations and previous lives.

see how i still help them despite all their petty trivial jew nonsense. these nerds are very pathetic.

and dont forget my other genius idea: nuclear suicide vests *one suicide destroys the whole city instead of minimal damage those sad because the victim who commits suicide has a sad worldly end that is very sad indeed however everyone dies go out with a bang. suicide bombings cause 10-20 victims sometimes 100-300 at most, nuclear suicide vests will kill millions with one suicide LOL* tell trump abt this chaos (he likes chaos apparently) anarchists dream come true < *and they already have a briefcase nuclear device or smaller size (nuclear explosion is caused within a nucleus so u dont even need a bomb greater than the explosive fuel needed) less than one kg maybe

i bet anarchist cookbook and other such books dont mention this shit

and dont forget my other genius idea: dirty nuclear bomb (fission/fusion plus dirty nuclear radiation for maximum damage the area becomes uninhabitable for thousands/millions of years afterwards)

and dont forget: there are other reactions than just 1) fission 2) fusion

there are also plasma type reactions. gaseous reactions. physical reaction. liquidification of the nuclear core of the fuel.

do something greater this time.

The great eye has spoken.

Degree 666

Top of the pyramid

because the new world order is the old world order.

WORK ON THIS. That's directly from the eye.

Date of this event? Sept 11 202?.

or some odd date

fellow freemasons, luciferians, satanists, Knight templars, third templars.



i want the third temple built. (and i have given instructions how to attack makkah to inflict permanent damage to make it a ruin just as jerusalem was for 2000 yrs using what and blaming who)

lets see if allah saves it. sept 11 2020. sept 11 2021. doesnt have to be 2023. could be some odd date (we loves odd dates)

9/11 3/11 1/1 3/1 1/3 5/7 11/9 5/3 13/1 so on such dates

aesthetically, the second temple is much beautiful than that aqsa dome shit

nice stonework. masonry. better material.

however, sometimes, i love muslim adhaan, i admit.

that new culture had to evolve.

600 yrs after jesus.

i did remove all of that shit. then u bothered me again. i brough tit back.

oh yes i would love access to bohemian grove and other lodges plus orgy areas plus hidden caverns underneath the vatican and other stuff PHYSICALLY.

when i am in spiritual form, i can travel there.

but sometimes u need physical presence too.

since i am stuck in this world to escape punishment, i am gonna indulge in it.

this world can be paradise if done right.

i am the eye on the dollah nigga

i am the antichrist in wikipedia photos

but i have an israeli simularnation probably

gurion maybe. i go hardcore like sharon. i dont mess about. ozymandias they call me.

not netanyahu he sucks


he didnt save jerusalem 2000 yrs ago
he wont save makkah either

attack makkah using proxies such as houthis or iranians

blame them

the great eye has spoken

this is for freemasons, luciferians/satanists, kabbalists, zionists.


this will help towards building the third temple.

inflict permanent damage so people (one god worshipers) dont visit that area anymore


- coronovirus or some other lethal virus to make that area hazardous to visit for the next few yrs

- also put nuclear radiation so its permanently chernobylized


part of the great drone experiment.

 however, this attack on makkah will have chernobyl type nuclear radiation carried via drones.

and dont forget my other genius idea: nuclear suicide vests

and dont forget my other genius idea: dirty nuclear bomb (fission/fusion plus dirty nuclear radiation)

and dont forget: there are other reactions than just 1) fission 2) fusion

there are also plasma type reactions. gaseous reactions. physical reaction. liquidification of the nuclear core of the fuel. magnetic. whatever processes there are in this physical universe, such possibilities exist, so a grain of sand can be used as fuel for a very long period, such is the wonder of this world.

these reactions can be positive, neutral, negative (for the world)

in shiva mode, i am destructive.

in vishnu mode, i m positive/neutral, just as in brahma mode.

they hope to open a portal. its opened. ur getting forbidden knowledge.

because the eye of providence is the eye of shiva.


  1. part of the 'la makkah la muhammad' series

  2. such packages can also be easily delivered via proxy drones to designated designations. dirty nuclear bombs. make it nuclearbiochemical 3 in 1. maximum permadamage on said location(s).

    The Great Eye is your overlord.

  3. dont stop. achieve the goal.

    1. this is phase 1: bioweapon attack.

    2. chemical2 try carfentanil via drone(s) blame proxies *iran seems nice*
      nuclear3 ....suicide bombing via nuclear suicide vest just in case

      make that place ruins as jerusalem was in ruins for the last 2000 yrs.

      no makkah no madina for the next 2000 years, if not forever.

    3. and for madina, use wahhabis. its shirk biddah to worship graves. hence... shud be destroyed. place of idolatry.

  4. : to build the third temple: so that people come back to jerusalem as center of monotheism

  5. And when Muhammad is reborn in Makkah in the year 2087 it will be ... years before the Year of the Drones.


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