
Showing posts from February, 2020

NWO Archenemies China & Iran Hardest Hit by CV19

That's one method. Better methods: they can easily be turned into friends. 1 regime change. no need for invasions.( deal with people who are ruining such parts of this planet.) iran was pro american before khomeini. It was almost a part of the american empire.  Such rogue regimes can easily be removed from power to take over control of such regions, places such as Venezuela, Syria, Lebanon, Iran, China which is kinda under our control but low level don't realize. Getting rid of indian muslims as well as chinese muslims is part of the agenda for one world government. These muslims do not conform to western or New world standards. They are backwards. They can be brainwashed back into modern times. Thats another method. offer them material benefits. lure them. Good deals. So instead of having to nuke few cities of china like as done in WW2, we'll surgically remove those in power there instead, so there is no need for an all out war.

Oil rich countries of middle east

Station american troops permanently near all oil fields that are in the middle east, wherever they are, iran, saudi arabia, kuwait, iraq, ... Get that oil. Store it in America. Complete control.  This way you'll control all of this world's oil until it is finished. Store 50 percent or more of it. Meanwhile in labs develop synthetic oil which is easily possible in this age of high technology. The alkanes, also known as paraffins, are saturated hydrocarbons with straight or branched chains which contain only carbon and hydrogen and have the general formula C n H 2n + 2 . They generally have from 5 to 40 carbon atoms per molecule, although trace amounts of shorter or longer molecules may be present in the mixture.   Straight/branched chains of hydrocarbons can be micro or nano-3d printed.   Synthetic Petroleum : Synthetic Petroleum produced using Fischer-Tropsch process, which is a catalyzed chemical reaction in which synthesis gas (syngas), a mixt...

do not cover important events happening such as mass sterilization declares the Lord

By 2023 another virus will spread out, sterilization, and news media won't cover that story.  People all over the world will get sterile, yet they won't know. They'll find out, but how will they, when there is no media coverage? The Great Eye has spoken.

mark 'of the beast'

mark of the beast + or star of david? or the crescent? choose 1, all three, and/or some other symbol.

Modern islam. Liberal islam. Western Islam. Non-arab islam.

If we modernize the culture of Arabia and the arabs in general, islam gets modernized. If we put a library near madina with 220 million surahs in it, Baphomet get .. for eternities. Then we have other methods to turn them into ruins, those two cities. What we have in the world is arabic or backward or ancient islam. What we need for this age: Modern islam Western islam Liberal islam and other varieties of islam. You don't like islam? That's the agenda. So slowly drive 'believers' away from islam by modifying it in various methods. When the arabs are punished let no other nation before for their crimes against humanity When Makkah and Madina are in ruins on that day la makkah la madina La muhammad la makkah i am the real god of kaaba that asura occupied. I am Hubal.

the rise to power of the Antichrist

the rise to power of the Antichrist, the great eye, as he slowly takes over the world, giving specific instructions to his allies, first online, then slowly, in the real world. The Good christ starts by spreading deadly diseases worldwide, such as the coronavirus. Then he establishes a One World Government that takes 1000 years instead of 50-100 years that the hasty masonic kabbalistic zionists are planning. this is happening the antichrist is coming back to power the plagues are rehappening biblical times are back Currently yahweh is sending a plague in africa because he senses me rising to power. plague-spreads-across-east-africa this time ill survive the plagues thats why the rule of antichrist will be like 100 times worse than that of the pharoah because he will have supernatural powers to counter yahweh's powers such as the plagues  The Great Eye is planning. Masons take notice...

Taunts to "God" (Yahweh/Allah/whatever)

"look at these vermin jews greedily evil eye and covet my 5th computer what a subhuman nation. is ur moshe any different to these stiffnecked people, oh yahweh? i saw his prayers. he is a contemptible creature. "please destroy egyptian splendour and riches because i am an envious criminal untouchable slave. these untouchable criminals. these slaves. these jews. the most criminal nation of all time still exists. Your favoritism towards these is unbelievable. Is it because they pretend to worship thee in their synagogues (of satan)? How stupid and contemptible are you, Yahweh." -- Taunts of superGod Amun/Osiris/Dajjal/Antichrist to subgod Yahweh/Allah/God if i write what i said earlier, oh allah, oh yahweh will u bring judgment day . of course not. i wrote the new koran and u did nothing. 234 surahs. ha another taunt to allah. --- it is good that u made me forget so many things i was thinking and saying. It was nasty stuff. but it was true. or is it because u wanna exten...

World citizen passports (citizen of planet earth)

The great eye demands: 1) world citizen passports (for me, for all) for one world govt. planet earth passport. that contains relevant details of each person. whoever worships me is allowed free reign. whoever dont worship me suffers. dont matter what race what religion. part of the one world govt agenda 2) american and israeli nationality passports to me immediately so i visit the lodges personally. 3) 100 million dollars right now on american bank. its paper fiat money ppl dont know its worthless but it works in the real world haha. ... work on this and we'll travel to mars and the moon and establish colonies on jupiter in no time.

Lab made viruses are part of the depopulation agenda

Two way party system.

Two way party system. Good for the Good Christ. Puppets come and go. The establishment of the half-bloodlines continues for centuries, eternities hopefully, in this realm. Blogger is a form of communication. Doesn't matter what medium. It's exchange of information if relevant people are collecting it. It doesn't matter if ordinary people read this. They'll consider it a conspiracy or a crazy person typing this. Good.

ill expand the american empire and possibly make israel great again

the great eye demands american greencard and israeli nationality the great eye has spoken with that comes american bank accounts (credit cards) and whatever else ---  ill expand the american empire and possibly make israel great again turn it into greater israel its easily possible -- note to lodges: u dont always need a physical presence of the higher levels (above 33 degrees) but sometimes one needs to attend meetings, orgies, sacrifices, etc. and create a backup civilization/main ... HQ like bohemian grove is just in case because believe it or not pompeii was the HQ of the old world order. then we had to move on. proof? temples of bacchus, dionsysu, apollo, etc.

Slowly privately own Iran. Make it an american colony.

It will take 4-5 years or more of nonstop campaign to rewesternize the iranians instead of few days/months of protesting. tempt them back to western world. offer them incentives. physical pleasures. material comfort. modernism. high standards of living. subtlely. people will begin to say, "fuck these mullahs. we want old iran back at the time of shah." this time it will be a democracy instead of shah dictatorship, so there wont be any need for a revolution against shah, because puppets will come and go. Slowly privately own Iran. Make it an american colony. In 20 years, you'll find westernized iranian movie industry, plus a not so underground porn industry and all the other vices. The Great Eye has spoken.

i am not on muslim side at all

I was Vlad the impaler(who killed tons of muslim mullahs because he didnt want them in Europe, preserved the european heritage plus christianity, hoping for a pagan past too) I am the Antichrist (Dajjal) so i am not on muslim side at all. I AM  The Greatest Fitnah of the World.

Allah's weakness is his habib.

 Allah's weakness is his habib. Destroy Madina. Make it a ruin. Use wahhabis. 'Place of shirk'. The great eye has spoken. using american forces will turn into a revolution like they stupidly make ppl care for palestinians. with wahhabis no one will even realize what happened. saudis in power are easy to use. do u know that these 'monotheists' worship their respective tribal idols/Gods still in hidden ceremonies? outwardly they are mullahs. covertly they are still pagans. nothing wrong in that. they worship me, hubal, and other gods.

The Good Christ is not the bad guy as they make him out to be

i now realize that person shouting on a telescreen in that dream sequence i had was none other than me myself he was livid extremely angry i didnt realize back then why he was so angry now i know and he is right every reason to be angry at this vermin YHWH/Allah its now an open war in all the worlds paul spoke many truths, and he was on our side. Our war is with the demiurge Yahweh and his archons Gabriel and Michael and others. They control everything. We need to take control from them. To free our infinite souls. We are kept confined by these evil forces. Let them spread lies against us. Truth is, Lucifer was the one who tried to free Adam and Eve from the garden of eden, which was not paradise, it was hell. He will free you all.

The NWO is the OWO and it will take 1000 years to implement (the one world government)

i was talking earlier abt how we need to spend more time in this world the new world order will take 1000 years or more to implement not 100 years not 50 years The new world order is the old world order.

why does the beast come out of the sea? *rev 13*

he drowned as varuna and as pharoah of the exodus that is why he comes out from the sea to wreak havoc and he will call himself God as the pharoah did and that beast is me! the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. 16  It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, 17  so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name.  That mark is my eye.  plus shatkona/the star of david and cross/christ on a cross. take ur pick.    

there will be three major human holocausts this century.

there will be three major holocausts this century. m - hol 2 bil j - hol 20 mil c - hol 2 bil the great eye has spoken.

the third temple (the great drone experiment on makkah)

regarding that experiment i was hatching drone attack on makkah to build the third temple are they brave enough to attack makkah as they did in 570 AD? they were apparently punished by God when they tried. I wanna see them use drones on Makkah/Kaaba blame houthis or iranians it will be a great experiment see what happens see if God saves Makkah if he saves makkah then i have a surah drone if he dont save makkah then surah fil (elephant abraha story) was fiction they shud take this bait they have nothing to lose they have yemeni houthis or iranians as alibi " BREAKING NEWS! Yemeni houthis just attacked makkah with drones! " Iranian proxy houthis attacked Makkah to try and topple the wahhabi Saud regime... then build that turd temple whenever i avatar, i add to world history. This should happen. Will move human history forward into a new direction. - Third temple will be built - Makkah will be destroyed see what happens. This experiment is worth trying. They attacked saudi oil ...

for future antichrist wannabes

in the stand, the antichrist has pamphlets or stuff for whichever group or person he is talking to. he needs to cater to whichever audience he is currently dealing with. thats how the real antichrist may also operate. marilyn manson wanted to be an antichrist. he should have learned such tricks. future anticrhist wannabes get ideas from people like stephen king. == suppose if i am talking to jews, ill try to cater to them. if i am talking to muslims or pakistanis, ill cater to them. if hindus, then make them happy. so on. if neonazis, then please them too. thats how lucifer/devil operates too. but he has added advantage. he is invisible. he can also whisper. but when u die u see them. but i have seen them in this world while alive sometimes. they do well to hide themselves. they appear for less then a second then disappear in a way taht u forget everything abt them , what they looked like. they have mastered this art. -- this shud be in that neo-satanism blog nah i dont care but i care...